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Not a Member?
24 Hour Membership available online and at the front desk!

Keeping People Moving
Membership Policies
Members are obligated to pay agreed upon monthly dues regardless of club usage
EFT Billing Agreement:
In accordance with the EFT Billing agreement in all membership contracts, a thirty (30) day notice to billing, which is on the first of each month, is required to cancel your membership or make any changes to your Monthly EFT. Members may visit to set up their member portal to update credit card information and make a payment if needed.
Annual Contracts:
All Annual Contracts will continue on a Month to Month basis, once the 12 month commitment has been met, until the member cancels their membership in accordance with the EFT billing agreement (stated above).
Month to Month Contracts:
All Month to Month contracts will continue on a month to month basis until the member cancels their membership in accordance with the EFT billing agreement (stated above).
Facility Improvement Fee:
All EFT Billing membership contracts are subject to a once a year fee of $62, to be charged on October 1st or April 1st . This fee is assessed for improvements to the club.
Cancellation Request and Buy Out Fee:
There is a $120 buyout fee for any member wishing to cancel (be released from their annual 12-month commitment) before the end of the 12-month period (anniversary date). All cancellation requests need to be made in accordance with the EFT billing agreement (stated above).
Hold Requests:
Members may put their membership on a temporary hold. Personal Holds are $20/month; Medical Holds are $5/month with appropriate documentation.
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